
Secure enterprise clock sync for timing game applications in real time for fair gaming

The Challenge
What is fair gaming in a digital world with hundreds of millions of gamers? It is when you win or lose a game with the same accurate time base on a global scale – thus the need for fair time-sensitive game applications. This is accomplished when applications are accurately and reliably time-synced in each data center of the global gaming network. Accurate time sync of distributed applications is achieved when the network clock sync chain is traceable to UTC, the ultimate stratum 1 master clock reference, through a variety of time sources, such as GNSS, CDMA, and other sources.

The Solution

TimeKeeper® is a leading enterprise-class clock sync platform solution for fair time-sensitive game applications. TimeKeeper’s innovative products can reliably synchronize time-critical application servers and VMs in data centers to within sub-µs accuracy against UTC traceability across an end-to-end network.


Secure enterprise clock sync for timing game applications in real time for fair gaming

The Challenge
What is fair gaming in a digital world with hundreds of millions of gamers? It is when you win or lose a game with the same accurate time base on a global scale – thus the need for fair time-sensitive game applications. This is accomplished when applications are accurately and reliably time-synced in each data center of the global gaming network. Accurate time sync of distributed applications is achieved when the network clock sync chain is traceable to UTC, the ultimate stratum 1 master clock reference, through a variety of time sources, such as GNSS, CDMA, and other sources.

The Solution

TimeKeeper® is a leading enterprise-class clock sync platform solution for fair time-sensitive game applications. TimeKeeper’s innovative products can reliably synchronize time-critical application servers and VMs in data centers to within sub-µs accuracy against UTC traceability across an end-to-end network.