With TimeKeeper’s high quality multi-source Time Client, Windows 10 operates at the high levels of timestamp accuracy needed for:
- MiFID II and other regulatory compliance
- automated trading in general
- enterprise data analysis and big data
- Real-Time broadcast and control.

Accuracy to within 10s of microseconds is no problem with either PTP 1588 or NTP time feeds. TimeKeeper steers the system clock directly so all of the powerful tools and applications of the Windows 10 ecosystem automatically benefit from the improved clock accuracy. As the screenshot just below of TimeKeeper’s web interface shows, even relatively noisy time sources can be smoothed by TimeKeeper to lock the Windows 10 System to the reference time.
Along with the high accuracy comes TimeKeepers powerful web management and multi-source capability. A Windows 10 server, workstation, cloud instance, or even a mobile device can be connected to multiple time feeds that are all monitored and cross checked by TimeKeeper in real-time. Automated fault tolerance, alerts, and an audit trail showing timestamp provenance are all available. Even if some sources cannot track time accurately, TimeKeeper can use the best source.
TimeKeeper is tuned to perform well:
on server computers
- on desktops and mobile devices
- in the cloud
Firms migrating to Windows 10 or upgrading timestamp capabilities on existing Windows 10 systems can easily meet stringent time requirements with TimeKeeper both on dedicated hardware and cloud instances.
FSMLabs and TimeKeeper are registered trademarks of Finite State Machine Labs Inc.
Microsoft, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries